Making The Fence Feature Part 4

Making The Fence Feature Part 4

On Three… Three!  Judgment day was upon us, it was real, it was happening and there was nowhere to hide. On the 9th of August 2021 we would begin filming and believe it or not it was probably the most relaxed I’d ever been going into a shoot. Usually I’m...
Making The Fence feature Part III

Making The Fence feature Part III

It’s not personal… is it? With just over a week to go before filming I remember things looking quite good despite still not having cast a few people yet, which was driving the costume department a little crazy. Casting has been an interesting experience… Having...
Two Man Army Part II

Two Man Army Part II

Two Man Army Part II Unfinished business Me and Adam graduated University in November 2017 with three unfinished films. We had created The Fence and Radio London for University deadlines so they had been rushed together and needed further editing to get them properly...
Making The Fence feature Part I

Making The Fence feature Part I

Making The Fence feature film Part I Start by… starting? I had thought about writing The Fence as a series for quite a while, but knew that I didn’t have enough material or the talent to do so. I had written an Episode one with the idea of pitching that to some...
What is The Fence?

What is The Fence?

What is The Fence? What actually is The Fence? It’s a short film about a boy who get’s his motorcycle stolen the day he buys it. That’s as simple as it gets really. I got the idea from my Dad. He grew up on the Hartcliffe estate in Bristol. Which is one of the most...
Two-Man Army: part I

Two-Man Army: part I

Two-Man Army: part I Who’s the best in this class? It’s important to pair up with people who are better than you. Filmmaking is very team orientated and you’ll really struggle to go it alone. You need to work with talented people who you can rely on because it’s all...