Making the Fence Feature Part 5

Making the Fence Feature Part 5

I’m going to do my best to split blogging about the shoot into week-by-week otherwise this may turn into a book! So here we go, week-one. Film vs The World  If I thought day one was hard, day two was also taking no prisoners. We had to film a scene inside a pub and...
Making The Fence Feature Part 4

Making The Fence Feature Part 4

On Three… Three!  Judgment day was upon us, it was real, it was happening and there was nowhere to hide. On the 9th of August 2021 we would begin filming and believe it or not it was probably the most relaxed I’d ever been going into a shoot. Usually I’m...
Making The Fence feature Part III

Making The Fence feature Part III

It’s not personal… is it? With just over a week to go before filming I remember things looking quite good despite still not having cast a few people yet, which was driving the costume department a little crazy. Casting has been an interesting experience… Having...