Making the Fence Feature Part 5

Making the Fence Feature Part 5

I’m going to do my best to split blogging about the shoot into week-by-week otherwise this may turn into a book! So here we go, week-one. Film vs The World  If I thought day one was hard, day two was also taking no prisoners. We had to film a scene inside a pub and...
Two Man Army Part III

Two Man Army Part III

Two Man Army Part III Pack your bags Before I knew it, it was summer 2018 and I decided the best thing to do would be to move to The Lake District. The only way to make a film 200 miles away from my house in Bristol was to live on location, this has always been the...
Making The Fence feature Part II

Making The Fence feature Part II

Making The Fence feature film Part II The money’s in the… well nearly in the… GET IN THE DAMN BAG!Finding the money was very tough. And it came down to the wire. Not everyone you pitch to is going to say yes, and even those who do won’t always follow through. Have it...